Overall isometric view
A general elevation, and after completion the amount of details that the overall elevation will have, just having a single elevation will never be enough as a lot of blowup will be required to study and document all the craftsmanship and details on the structure.
The above image is the Top most element of ant temple called as "Kalasa" AKA Crown and itself has a lot of importance and details of itself.
The mid portion of any Garbha Griha, the carvings here will be all hailing to the lord on telling the stories of prayers and great stories, which will be very essential to document.
Right now for the basic study I have used the Basic modeling type family of Generic model and Process of Revolve, this process in later phases will have to be divided into parts as per the temple details and layouts itself. The basic principle will remain same as of the study approach I have taken
Even being this solid structures, Pattern study will be very important if we want to reach the perfection in balancing of documentation of information and the structure.
Will also have to study on the overall compositions of the various geometries coming together.
Pattern study on every corner.
So lets hope to compose some similar type of elements all together. Now this is just the Garbha Griha, will have to see how all the other elements also come together and then see a much more broader composition on the modeling sequence and the study process requirements.
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