This was an accidental find for me, but fortunately I am happy that I triped by this hurdle. I still think why has India not really approached for this option. well they have tried incorporating multiple modern techniques and ways to digitize and modernize the system of documenting historical buildings, but that is actually not the biggest problem. the biggest issue is now there are existence of multiple platforms that give you digitized information of historic structures, but are they all interlinked? do they all tell the same story and do they give a proper sequence to understand the timeline? No, they do not. people are interested to preserve the history but, the Information Management has still not found a systematic strategy to get a common platform that shares and collaborates.
The conventional way of Reporting and documenting till now has been the "Historic Structure Report", which usually comprises of an overall scenario of the a structure being taken care of, and on going process for the preservation and documentation. But, thinking carefully if you see a historic structure, specially in India, they have so many intricacies to be observed and documented in one small location itself, and has to be given all the attention and equally as much as we will to the whole structure. we will be majorly concentrating on the Indian Architecture styles and historical building. We will be starting with the Temple architecture and the slowly moving other Architectural styles that have influence the Historic fabric of India. our main motive in this whole research process will be to finding a proper system of "Information Management". Modelling and gathering information we have been already doing, but we do not have a Proper way for collaborating and preparing a"Strategy to manage the Information for the Historical structures which we can in other words also call Monument Management". The solution we already have, but it is being used only for the modern structures, let us now start exploring using the "Building Information Modeling/Management" Commonly known as BIM for Historical Structures which is known as HBIM.
Figure 1:1
Figure 1:1 shows the presence and our ultimate goal to reach. while the center will clearly be our challenge and most fun area to work on, i.e, Creating the strategy for Information Management. this strategy is the only way of a successful way of bridging the gap between HSR & HBIM. The figure 1:1 also is just the macro level of the flow chart that we will set out to discover. These flow charts will be some of the deep water dives into the world of understanding BIM.While three bubbles in the future will be coming up to be individual articles itself , but eventually will be reaching to the goal of merging to each other. The important aspect to remeber is they do have their own unique chareterstics and layers, which we will be using as links to bring them together in the futuer and use to our advantages.
Figure 1:2
Another Most important aspect to remember is the term used in above figure 1:2 are unique to their own types, but to bring them all together and under one section of terminology which later on broadening can be branched out to their original ways but eventually come back to under one single term too. As you can see they all have the existing process of conventional ways of documentation and digitization if also used is just through mas word or similar texts with supporting photos. The philosophy of BIM can bring in more sophistication to the way of developing on this process and also enhance the life of the data collected.
Figure 1:3
This figure above (1:3) has two most famous individuals who have immense experience and great knowledge on Preservation, and conservation. on the right hand side Mr. Gautam Sengupta Former ASI General head , and on your right sid e Conservation Architect Aishwarya Tipnis. both use use one term that justifies to be the major issue and eventually the prime solution, to reach our goal of Successful Information Management. we will be dedicating some blogs to their interview and how their thought process will help us reach our goal.
Figure 1:4
Figure 1:5
the above two Figures 1:4 & 1:5 Clearly represent the detailing level of Indian temple designs, which eventually lead to story and which over combined create a moral to the whole story too. this is going to be one of the important aspect of incorporation into out strategy on how to bring in these stories as information into our model and eventually create detail links to explain the stories.
Figure 1:6
Figure 1:7
Andrew Milburn one of the best BIM gurus work on the Notredam modeling with BIM has been really a big learning reference and guidance on how to proceed and implement similar processes for Indian Architecture too.. we will diving into that too, and will be talking a lot about Andrew Milburn's works a lot in the future.
Ultimate goals to
- Protect
- Preserve
- Promote
Will be taking you into the world of explaining the actuall process of BIM but my way, and clearing all your thought process on that BIM is jus 3 simple words.
After this BIM term clears, will be introducing the process involved in Historical Preservation and how the flow will work will also be explained.
As this will be one of the sectors where Pre-BIM scope of work will matter a lot, and we will be using the existing information to digitize and help us proceed in our ultimate goal of virtually saving the history, flow chart on work process will matter a lot and, we will balancing the traditional ways with the technological ways to find the sweet spot where the two worlds will collide but with happiness.

Now i have been really fortunate enough, to have worked along this talented Individual for a good 2 years constantly. Er.Sheik Uduman is the BIM & Technology Lead for RSP where he has been handling all the active projects in BIM very effectively. He had also taken the initiative of introducing the Virtual Reality Sector in his Company to enhance the client experience which really helped in many ways. will be talking about his work and process in future blogs too in details.
One of the unique and once in a lifetime projects to be involved in. BAPS Hindu Mandir. Will be taking you all on a tour on this project too, and also explaining how this will really help us on our path.
Our Company Managing Director, and Principal Architect Ar. Bhanu sri PRakash Gejjala, the best guide and mentor to have, and who has always given the helping hand and guidance on approaching new topics. In future blogs will be bring to light his Thought processes and how deals with projects. A lot of his thought process has helped me to accumulate a lot of information on using BIM for Historical Preservation.
This topic on an overall is a Research, out of which I eventually want to take out some Practical results. for this to happen I will need all the help, critics, advises, and suggestions I can get. This topic will eventually will be leading to practical Modelling of different Elements of Indian Architecture to details, for which the more join me the merrier it will be to get some amazing results.
The most important thing to always remember is "Preserve it, Adapt it, but not Forget it".
So lets start the journey,
I will do my best to at-least post one blog each week, and take this process ahead and listen from you you guys what you think!
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