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Showing posts from July, 2020

Part-02 HSR to HBIM (The BIM for Heritage)

The General terms of Flow in BIM,  &  How to incorporate Historic structure Report in it. General: The term Building Information Modelling (BIM) is used to describe a collaborative process for the production and management of structured electronic information. BIM is not new technology, its origins being in object-based parametric modelling applications for mechanical systems design in the 1980s. BIM has been in use for the last 20 years in the architectural, engineering and construction (AEC) industry, and is now widely applied in the UK and internationally, mainly in the new-build sector (building and infrastructure). Note: BIM technology involves the use of parametric objects assembled to provide a virtual representation of a building or facility (asset). Parametric BIM objects represent various architectural features, structural elements, systems, other components and spaces, and are intelligent carriers of information. Parametric objects are created using geometric de...

Part-01 HSR to HBIM (The BIM for Heritage)

This was an accidental find for me, but fortunately I am happy that I triped by this hurdle. I still think why has India not really approached for this option. well they have tried incorporating multiple modern techniques and ways to digitize and modernize the system of documenting historical buildings, but that is  actually not the biggest problem. the biggest issue is now there are existence of multiple platforms that give you digitized information of historic structures, but are they all interlinked? do they all tell the same story and do they give a proper sequence to understand the timeline? No, they do not. people are interested to preserve the history but, the Information Management has still not found a systematic strategy to get a common platform that shares and collaborates. The conventional way of Reporting and documenting till now has been the "Historic Structure Report", which usually comprises of an overall scenario of the a structure being taken care of, and o...